The Story So Far…

So, I’ve decided to try and finally do something with my website. I’ve registered a new domain name to fit my new identity, but the old domain name still exists as well. I’ve also turned my site it into a WordPress blog. However, the old site is still in existence, and you can find it here.

I know everything is looking a bit sparse here at the moment. I’ve opted for a very basic theme, just to get things up and running smoothly. In time I hope to make everything here look a bit more interesting. However, if you have any advice, particularly if you have experience with WordPress (and can recommend any themes!), please let me know…

A new site feels like a new beginning. However, for anyone who’s new to my site, or who’s unaware of the developments in my life over the past year, here’s a brief run-down on the story so far.

Around a year ago I came out as bisexual, as well as stating that my gender identity is femandrogyne. For me at least, that means I don’t feel fully male or female, but lean more towards the feminine side.

At the time, I was a guy going by the name of Karl S. Green. In December I decided to embrace my feminine identity, and now mostly go by the name Sophie Green. There’s a post on my old blog where I publicly announced this. There’s another post on my old blog from two weeks ago where I provided an update on my life.

Whilst I have come out as Sophie to my immediate family, I still go by Karl there. And I’m still Karl at work, and have not come out there. I’m nowhere near ready to come out there. However, there are some people at work who do know about it. There are those who are Facebook friends, and so saw everything there. And there may be other people at work who found their way to my Twitter feed or my old blog, and saw the news there, but haven’t said anything to me due to my not being publicly out at work. (Although, if you are someone who knows me from work, and you’re reading this, and you’re cool with my new identity, you’re welcome to send me a message to let me know…)

So, with this new site and new blog, I want to try and go back to regular updates. I’m not sure how regular updates will be though. And, whilst my gender identity is clearly a big thing in my life at the moment, and there will inevitably be some blog posts regarding it, I am more than just my gender identity. Therefore, expect blog posts on a whole variety of topics…

So, I think everyone’s up to date now. Just one last thing: If any of you have any questions about any of this, do feel free to be up front and ask me, either publicly in the comments, or privately via the communication method of your choice…

One thought on “The Story So Far…

  1. kirsty

    Looking forwards to seeing more posts here, as well as any information regards the next nano too 🙂 I will get a finishers badge one year – I love keeping up with your posts to see how you do, you are definitely a machine when it comes to word count x


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